IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration 2024, IBPS Declaration Format

IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration 2024, IBPS Declaration Format


IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration 2024

IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration 2024 To clarify all doubts regarding the IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration, candidates can review this complete post. Here, we have provided the complete declaration format, sample size of the handwritten declaration, and all the important guidelines that aspirants must follow.

IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration Format

IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration 2024 Following is the IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration format which must be uploaded by the candidates in their handwriting.

I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.

IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration Sample Size

Candidates must make sure to upload the IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration in the following dimensions to properly submit the application form.

IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration Sample Size
File Type jpg/ jpeg
Dimension 800 × 400 pixels in 200 DPI
10 cm × 5 cm (Width × Height)
File Size 50 kb – 100 kb

Important Guidelines IBPS Clerk Hand-written Declaration

  • Applicants have to write the IBPS Clerk declaration in English only on clear White Paper with Black Ink Pen.
  • The IBPS Clerk handwritten declaration has to be in the candidate’s handwriting and should not be in Capital Letters. If the declaration is found to be written in someone else’s writing, the application will be considered as invalid.
  • If at a later stage of the selection process or appointment, the handwriting on the handwritten declaration of the candidate is found to be dissimilar/ different, as per expert analysis, the candidature of the candidate will be canceled.


What is the IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration format?

Following is the IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration format which must be uploaded by the candidates in their handwriting.
“I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”

What must the File Type of the IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration 2024?

The File Type of the IBPS Clerk Handwritten Declaration 2024 is jpg/ jpeg.

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