Technology Impact On Education And Health, Need of Digital India in 2024

Technology Impact On Education And Health, Importance and Disadvantages of Digital India in 2024


Technology Impact On Education : Getting education from technology has also become very accessible, students get a lot of support by using technology. Through technology, health has also got a new form, diseases of technology can be caught quickly and its treatment is also becoming easier.

Technology Impact On Education And Health
Technology Impact On Education And Health

What is Importance of technology in education ?

  1. With the help of technology, students can solve their problems related to home study.
  2. At present, technology has a big hand in the era of online, due to which students get a lot of support.
  3. Students get to learn new, students are able to develop their skills.
  4. Students can test their skills and use them to earn future money.
  5. Technology helps not only the students but also the teachers in giving and checking the work.
  6. Teachers and students get a lot of help in study, project etc. The checks are done online and the study material has also been shared with the help of technology, so that any student, wherever he is sitting, gets the study material.
  7. Students get material or any other information sitting at home or anywhere.
  8. Students who are preparing for the competition, they also get a lot of help from technology, study material is done or any test quiz has to be given so that they can check their knowledge.
  9. The level of education is also increasing due to technology.
  10. Students learn new skills with the help of technology, due to which it is easy to stand anywhere in the future.


How Importance of technology in health ?

  1. With the help of technology, the disease is easily detected.
  2. People exercise properly by watching online, so that people can take care of their body.
  3. If a patient is so ill that he cannot go physically to the doctor, then he can consult the doctor online even sitting at home, due to which the patient does not get disturbed and gets cured on time.
  4. Technology helps not only the patient, but also the doctor to understand the disease, so that the doctor can treat the patient properly and quickly.
  5. At present, diseases are easily detected through machines, which helps the doctor to cure the disease.
  6. With the help of technology, people themselves understand the disease in an easy way by reading or watching videos, so that they can take care of their food and drink in a proper way.

What is Need of technology in education ?

  1. It was most needed at the time of covid, because in view of the increasing form of the epidemic, there was a lockdown, due to which a lot of issues came in the education system, then technology has a big hand in maintaining the education of the students.
  2. With the help of technology, it became very easy to give study material to everyone and keep classes continuous during covid.
  3. Students are supported in study with the help of technology.
  4. Many times students or teachers have to go out of station for some work, at that time they can complete their work through mobile or tablet or any other gadget.
  5. This has also helped in increasing the level of education.


How Need of technology in health ?

  1. Technology helps in understanding the disease.
  2. People are able to learn to exercise by themselves.
  3. In view of increasing diseases at present, CT scan machine, X ray machine, MRI etc. These machines help in understanding the disease.
  4. Many times doctors are not able to be physically present somewhere, in that timing doctors are able to help the patient with the help of technology.
  5. With the help of technology, the report of the patient also comes quickly. The staff also mails or WhatsApps them to the patient, so that the patient or their caretaker does not need to go out and then consult the doctor on call or video call itself.

How Disadvantages of technology in education ?

  1. Due to excessive use of gadgets, the health issues of small children started happening.
  2. The eyes of the students have become weak.
  3. Students have started using gadgets more than the limit.
  4. Even after the completion of the video of the study, they remain engaged on the gadgets.
  5. Eyes and other health issues of students had also come to the fore due to excessive use of covid time technology, students’ eyes became weak, swelling etc problems started happening in their eyes.
  6. At present also it is such that students have got a wrong habit of gadgets, students are using gadgets more than the limit.

Conclusion –

* Technology should be used in limit and in the right way, otherwise there can be side effects.
* Positive results come only if the use of technology is correct in both education or health.
*Students should also use gadgets till study, after taking a little break, whether they want to watch videos or any documents.

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Sarkar Degi 5 Yojanaon ka Labh : जिन लोगों के पास अपना राशन कार्ड है उन्हें सरकार द्वारा पांच ऐसी योजनाओं का लाभ दिया जाता है जिसके जरिए वे अमीर बन सकते हैं। भारत में राशन कार्ड सभी परिवारों के पास है। यह परिवार अपना राशन प्राप्त करने या किसी सरकारी योजना का लाभ उठाने के लिए इस राशन कार्ड का उपयोग करता है। परिवार के सभी सदस्यों का नाम राशन कार्ड के अंदर है। इसके अलावा जब भी कोई योजना चलाई जाती है तो सबसे पहले उसका लाभ राशन कार्ड के माध्यम से दिया जाता है।

What is Digital India and use of Digital India in our life ?

Through Digital India today a lot of work is done sitting at home, there is no need to go out. This saves a lot of time and work is also done, human learns technology, learns new ways of doing work.

What is Digital India and use of Digital India in our life ?
What is Digital India and use of Digital India in our life ?

What is Importance of Digital India ?

  • Many government works are also done sitting at home through Digital India. Being digital saves time.
  • Certificates are made online only, can be updated and downloaded.
  • This saves both time and money.
  • Filling the form through digital, applying for a certificate, all these tasks can be done by human sitting at home.

How Use/Avail of the Services of Digital India ?

  • A lot of work can be done with the ease of its use.
  • Using this, information about government schemes will also come on the website.
  • She goes. So that even a common man can know about the schemes and
    Can take proper advantage of them.
  • Using this you can fill exam forms sitting at home without having to go anywhere.
    There is no need.
  • Government Id (Aadhaar card, voter id, driving license etc.) can be updated sitting at home.
  • Forms of competition exams, college forms, etc.) can be filled sitting at home, this will give them time for preparation.
    Through online platforms, transactions can be done anywhere in a short time.
  • Using this you can check your bank balance. You can view the statement. There is no need to go to the bank for every work.
  • Government schemes open online only, you can take advantage of the scheme online itself.
  • Mobile recharge, train tickets, flight tickets through digital and status of all these etc. Happens online only.
  • Many people have started their business through digital and are also doing a good earning.


Disadvantages of the service of Digital India –

  • Cyber attacks are also happening due to its use.
  • People’s money is getting safe from Digital India, but somewhere it is also unsafe, people’s personal information is also getting leaked.
  • Even today many people do not know how to use digital properly, because of this they become victims of cyber attacks.
  • Even today the facility of digital has not reached many villages, small towns properly, because internet connectivity is not good.
  • Still somewhere the base of Digital India is not strong.
  • Due to its use, machines have now taken the place of a human, due to which the situation of unemployment is also increasing.
  • Nowadays, instead of using their own mind, everyone is opening the internet for everything.
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